(647) 297-9219
With the amount of positive feedback, word of mouth referrals, and
The Ambassador program was created to support individuals who share the love for sweets. I'm so grateful to have been part of so many of your special events that I want to give back.
Sweet Ambassador applicants should be a customer of Sweets By Design, but not a requirement. As an advocate for Sweets By Design, you will be provided with a sweet welcome kit to help start recommending Sweets By Design. There are many ways you can promote Sweets By Design:
Sharing on social media via posts or stories
Referring to friends and family
Purchasing Sweets By Design products
Using Sweets By Design products when you bake
If you are interested in applying, please complete the online Sweet Ambassador Application Form now.
- 6 months activity (inactive sales = re-apply)
- Start on 1st of month
- Store orders only
10% on each order
A small, local small business
Local in King City
Discounts for your next event
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